6 Simple Methods to Help Wild Birds Survive Extreme Winter Weather
1. Keep your feeders well stocked, particularly very first thing in the morning. After a long, chilly night, your backyard fowl want high energy foods like quality suet, black oil sunflower seeds, peanuts and peanut butter.
2. Ensure your bird feeders are clear of ice and snow. After a significant snow, my feeders are covered and must be cleaned in order for my fowl to get their seeds and suet. So that they’re ensured of a thaw breakfast I enjoy to do this early in the morning!
3. Buy an affordable bird bath heater at your local garden center or on the internet. Hook it up to a UL approved and listed outside extension cord, put it in a shallow water trough or in your bird bath, and flocks of birds that are thirsty will please . My heater is covered by me with a level rock, simply because it seems natural to the fowl than a gleaming metal thing. Nevertheless, you do not want to; protective coil cover and the low voltage keep birds safe.
4. Where birds can huddle at nighttime, install roosting boxes. These should have internal open or perches net connected to the walls to. The roost boxes should have a removable clean out to remove droppings and debris on a regular basis. I use wood shavings and saw dust in mine, which make it much more easy to wash.
5. Construct a brush heap that your feathered visitors can use for food and shelter sources, particularly during blizzard conditions. Begin with a layer of dry leaves, and add bigger trunks of saplings and small trees where birds can hunt for tiny insects in a crisscross manner, that will make pockets, and remain warm. Add more to the stack as branches accumulate and fall around your lawn. For those who have evergreens, they may be added to the very top of the stack as a ‘roof’.
6. Plant conifers! These sorts of non-deciduous trees are perfect all around habitats for your fowl. Assess local growers and nurseries for native species that thrive and will readily acclimate locally. Various evergreen, pine and fir trees and shrubs provide shelter, food, nesting places and hiding regions from predators. Their compact customs make them perfect for winter survival safeties your backyard wild fowl are sure to value.
While it’s a fact that wild birds have adapted physically to manage cold temperatures and winter storms, people can however make an immense difference within their survival rates. And who does not need more vibrant, joyful singing birds to brighten?
Connie Smith is supervisor and the proud owner of LLC Grandmother Pearl’s Backporch, and also the skilled writer of several on-line posts about distinctive and simple ways that you can make the most effective bird-friendly habitats to help wild birds prosper and live.
Learn the best way to make safe and interesting backyard habitats for wild fowl using foods as well as their favorite plants, while adding beauty, scent and colour to your landscape.
by Kingman